9/2-3 ซอย 9 ถ.ศิริมังคลาจารย์ ต.สุเทพ อ.เมืองเชียงใหม่ จ.เชียงใหม่ 50200



Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.
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Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and better mimic the light reflecting properties of natural teeth. You will need to discuss the best choice of veneer material for you with your dentist.

Dental veneers types
Composite resin veneers: The closest conservative cosmetic alternative to porcelain veneers is composite resin. Composite resin is a tooth-colored filling material that may be used to form dental veneers. Dental crowns may also be used to correct the same problems that dental veneers correct, however it is a much less conservative procedure.

Ceramic Veneers: A ceramic veneer is a thin shell custom-made to fit on the tooth. Following are the benefits of a ceramic veneer: It is strong and long-lasting. It’s smooth, translucent surface provides a natural appearance.


Estimated cost is
